My autobiography

My name is Makk Yevgeny B. Mariblanca I'm 16 years old now, I live in Pundol Amlan, Negros Oriental, I like to draw and speak English, my mother is Jerelyn Mariblanca and my father is Vincent Mariblanca. This is my autoboigraphy. (Note:I shorted it because if I wrote it all it would be 50 paragraphs long)

Early childhood

I was born on November 21, 1997 during the time Estrada was still president. I was living in Bio-os at my lolo and lola's house together with my mother. My father was working in Bulacao Pardo in Cebu city then. Now he lives with and works with his sisters, my aunts in Alegria, Cebu. I was always at home and usually I just watch English cartoons and play by myself. This is why I so lonely and why I prefer to speak English.Some people get the impression that I am A foreigner because I speak english.My father would usually visit us once or twice a month and sometimes me and my mother would visit him in Cebu city. By grade 3 (or was it 4?) we moved to tanjay and rented a house there. by 2006 we moved out and lived back to Bio-os until our house in Pundol was finished. The house was not finished yet we decided to to move in anyway. The most memorable time in my childhood was that in grade six I won 1st place in Editorial Cartooning and won a trophy then I went to the hospital show it to my lola the night before she die.

teenage life

Puberty, it is such strange ang discusting topic to talk about and yet an inevitable experience to every young adult's life. Im a teenager now I have to act my age and yet some old habits die hard.It was hard to change myself immediately but it was for the better.I now have a sister and she goes to school at Saint Andrew, IHA's sister school.I feel like a tourist because I keep changing High schools and it isnt easy adapting to constant change. I went to Amlan National High School(ANHS) in Amlan,Saint Peter Academy Alegria Inc. (SPAAI) in Alegria, Cebu and back to IHA in 3rd and 4th yr.Now that I am 4th yr. high school I am hopefully going to graduate this March and I would like to say that I am proud to be an Ihanian